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What is Heterogeneous Computing and OpenCL (May 16)

What is Heterogeneous Computing and OpenCL

Event date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Location: SciNET, University of Toronto 661, University Avenue, Suite 1140

Modern processor design has shifted to parallelism and heterogeneity, but software developers are educated to think sequentially which reduces the performance of the applications they write. Modern computer processor features have spurred a revolution in the computing industry toward parallel and heterogeneous computing, and this is the technology that drives the current revolution in machine learning and large-scale data analytics, and self-driving cars. Come learn about the modern world of processor accelerators, including GPUs and FPGAs.

Come to this accessible talk on the state of the industry for the layperson and enthusiast, and hear from Khronos, the industry
consortium that produces the open standards driving this revolution. Khronos members such as Intel, Xilinx, Huawei, AMD, NVIDIA, and Codeplay are here in Toronto for the International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL) at the University of Toronto May 16 - 18, 2017. This event is free to attend and open to the public, but RSVP is required to ensure seating is available.


  • Neil Trevett, President of the Khronos Group, VP NVIDIA, OpenCL WG Chair
  • AJ Guillon, YetiWare Inc, Khronos Member, OpenCL WG

Register for this event

This public talk provides a small accessible taste of the current state of computing, IWOCL provides a much richer opportunity to learn all about it and to network with industry leaders. To learn more, visit www.iwocl.org.

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