[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is at the sole discretion of the individual.]
University of Toronto Engineering Kompetitions (UTEK) is the largest annual engineering competition at UofT with up to ten different competitions for students to compete in! It is happening on January 16-17, 2021, and it is open to all undergraduate students.
Winners of the competitions will be awarded prize money and be qualified to represent UofT at the provincial and national versions of this competition!
Registration is $12 per person, available on our website at www.utek.skule.ca!
For more information feel free to reach out to us on any platform:
Email: utek@skule.ca
Instagram: @uoftutek
Facebook: @UofTUTEK