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Research Opportunity - Volunteer Software Developers

We are the Intelligent Adaptive Interventions Lab at UofT, run by Professor Joseph Jay Williams. We focus primarily on projects relating to Human Computer Interaction and Machine Learning.

For this project, we will be working with collaborators from Northwestern University where we are building a digital intervention for Mental Health America. We will be making a modular bot service that sends text messages to participants seeking preventative mental health services. We’re designing our bot service to use reinforcement learning (Bandit Algorithms, specifically), to personalize and optimize content by determining which messages/prompts are most effective and engaging for specific users. The project is also featured in this article: https://blogs.microsoft.com/accessibility/ai4a-mental-health-grantees/.

We are looking for volunteer software developers, preferably with experience in back-end development and projects written in Django, JavaScript, or Python. You will be responsible for spending at least 5 hours a week in the development of the automated text messaging system using azure bots and a web framework such as Django. Through this role, you will have opportunities to gain software development experience, research experience and mentorship from researchers in the lab.

If you are interested, please fill out the form below, and we will be contacting you very soon!

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