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New cross-disciplinary internship program for CS Students

Professor Miriam Diamond in astrophysics, University of Toronto, is seeking a CS student with Machine Learning expertise to join her group next summer as part of a new cross-disciplinary internship program (see below). The idea is that by applying ML to simulated and actual particle detector data, event reconstruction can be speeded-up and the accuracy of signal vs background discrimination improved. Undergraduate and graduate, international and domestic students will be considered.

See eligibility criteria below.

If you are interested, send a transcript and 1-page expression of interest by Nov 29, 2019 to mdiamond@physics.utoronto.ca Then, be available to meet with the professor in early December
to jointly develop the details of the research proposal, as outlined below in the call for proposals.

Guidelines for the MI Cross-Disciplinary Internship Program:

The Cross-Disciplinary Internship Program is designed to enhance student experience by providing an opportunity for continuing undergraduate and graduate students registered in non-physics majors
to participate in novel research in astroparticle physics (APP). This program is open to students across Canada to work with leading APP faculty over the course of the summer term (16 weeks – May through August 2020). This program is intended to provide students with meaningful opportunities to engage in discovery-based learning and to develop research and presentation skills.

For the summer of 2020, there will be a minimum of 4 positions available valued at $10,000 CAN each for student salaries.

During this time, students will implement a co-developed research project that draws upon their unique expertise and skills with a supervising faculty member. Faculty will provide resources required to complete the research project (e.g. office/lab space, equipment, consumables, etc.) and $500 CAN towards student opportunities (e.g. conference participation, training opportunities, etc.).

Students and their supervisors will also have access to the McDonald Institute network and professional development training opportunities. Students and faculty are strongly encouraged to apply for complimentary funding from other sources.

We seek proposals co-developed by students and a supervising APP faculty member that:

  1. Focus on discovery-based learning in astroparticle physics;
  2. Bring new skillsets that are relevant to the astroparticle physics community to enhance the capabilities of a research group/lab;
  3. Enhance the student’s experience in a cross-disciplinary setting and advance future research endeavours, networking, and interdisciplinary activities;
  4. Offer unique training/mentorship opportunities for the student; Include considerations for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the training environment;
  5. Encourage the participation of students from equity seeking groups who are traditionally underrepresented and underserved in the physics discipline;
  6. Engages cross-disciplinary collaboration from a student studying outside of astroparticle physics (i.e., chemistry, economics, sociology, geology, geography, Indigenous studies, education, to name a few);
  7. That allow students to pursue new opportunities in previously underdeveloped collaboration areas aimed at advancing scientific knowledge and knowledge mobilization in astroparticle physics;
  8. Are realistic in their timeline to completion (4 months).

Following the completion of their research project, successful applicants are required to provide a photo of themselves engaged in the research group or lab and create materials to showcase the outcomes of their research project and the success of their placement. The McDonald Institute encourages a variety of mediums for knowledge mobilization. For example, a student may submit a short article
for non-academic audiences describing their experience, a 3-5 minute video, podcast, photo essay, website, etc. focusing on research outcomes and the value of cross-disciplinary
collaborations. Submissions will be used for promotional purposes of the McDonald Institute, the supervisor’s lab, and the Cross-Disciplinary Internship Program.


Prospective students must have the following qualifications to apply:

  • Enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate program outside of physics;
  • Eligible to work in Canada;
  • Hold a strong record of academic achievement;
  • Returning to full-time studies in September 2020;
  • Enthusiasm for discovery-based research and intellectual curiosity;
  • Open to cross-disciplinary knowledge sharing and learning about astroparticle physics.

Prospective faculty supervisors must be either affiliated with the McDonald Institute, or have APP research based in Canada.

Supervisors must be available for hands-on, discovery-based learning over the course of the program (i.e., not working remotely/internationally for the duration of the summer). The faculty member must be eligible
to hold an institutional account for grants or awards. The faculty member is responsible to provide office space, lab materials, and a minimum of $500 towards student opportunities (e.g. conference participation, training session, etc.).

How to Apply:

Students must meet with an APP faculty researcher at their institution of choice who is willing to be their supervisor for the summer 2020 term. Student and faculty members are required to jointly develop research
proposals for submission to the program.

Together, the student and faculty member co-fill the application form. Students are required to attach an unofficial transcript to the application and submit the forms as a single PDF document by 4pm on Thursday December 19, 2019.

Please send all documents and enquiries to the Research Personnel and
Event Coordinator at admin@mcdonaldinstitute.ca with CDI Program [LAST NAME] as the subject line.

Late or incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

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