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Life After Cognitive Science

[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is as the sole discretion of the individual.]

Dear Cognitive Science student,

Are you thinking about your future after graduation? Wondering what you want from your career after Cognitive Science?

The Cognitive Science program will be hosting a ‘Design your Life’ workshop led by Anthony Naimi, and aims to help students to address such questions.

Please note, the workshop will be taking place next week on October 8 in UC240 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm.

Snacks will be provided at the workshop. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email at chana.sherrington@MAIL.UTORONTO.CA.

We hope to see you there!

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