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Internship Opportunities at Opptin

[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department, Faculty of Arts & Science, or University of Toronto. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is as the sole discretion of the individual.]

My name is Stephen Crawford, Recruitment Officer at OpptIn.

OpptIn is offering remote internship opportunities for students whose
internships were canceled due to COVID-19, as well as those who are
looking for summer internships. I’m hoping you’d be able to pass on this
message to students who may be interested, particularly those who are
interested in full stack development.

The social media scandal is the biggest event in tech for the last 10
years. User data stolen, handed over to shadowy third-party developers
and political advertisers, with the privacy of millions of people
invaded - OpptIn provides the solution.

When you OpptIn, you make a private, voluntary connection with the
people, places, and things around you. Your data is never shared. Your
experience is private to the person, place, and thing. Apps are provided
to make your experience functional.

Jon Bond, one of the biggest entrepreneurs in the world - in May of 2018
and again in April of 2019 - was interviewed by Forbes magazine. He was
asked: What is the solution to the tech crisis? His response: The
solution is an Opt-in. What does that mean, they asked? His response: it
is decentralized, private, and local.

Jon Bond is correct, and we are creating the platform that millions will
use - a platform that will change the way people interact and solve the
challenges of collaboration.

OpptIn is an amazing start-up company with a world-changing idea.

Please feel free to visit us at www.opptin.com/internship, or contact me
directly for more information. Thank you!

Stephen Crawford

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