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InfluencerAds - Opportunity for CS Students

[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department, Faculty of Arts & Science, or University of Toronto. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is as the sole discretion of the individual.]


What is it?
A revolutionary form of marketing agency that seeks to automate, influencer marketing on a micro-influencer scale. Businesses can automatically create advertising campaigns within minutes that are then distributed to thousands of small influencers (on Instagram, YouTube etc.).The influencers then create the posts that the businesses have paid for. All of this happens instantly and automatically without any human involvement in the running of the site.

And each time an Influencer creates a post, we donate to a charity of their choice!

How can I be a part of it?
We are looking for interns, equity partners and co-founders that can help build the Mobile Application, whether you prefer back end, front end, complex algorithm implementation or automation software we will find the perfect team for you!

Our teams operate all across the world: remotely!

What do I need?
A really strong work ethic, to be honest, and have knowledge related to mobile application development. If that sounds like you, then make sure to reach out to us!

Any questions?
Ask as many questions as you want at: andrew@influencerads.co.uk

How does it work?
Send us your C.V. to andrew@influencerads.co.uk (a cover letter is optional, but we will want you to let us know what it is that makes you want to be a part of InfluencerAds). Successful candidates will then be invited to a Skype Interview.

I want an internship at a start-up but not a long term role!

We are also recruiting interns, so if you are looking for a temporary role, that could boost your employability substantially, then make sure to send us your C.V!

There is the opportunity to perform your role completely remotely, with hours that you choose! Our team is based all across the world.

InfluencerAds Ltd.

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