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HER CODE CAMP - Call for Volunteers

[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is as the sole discretion of the individual.]

A team of graduate students is running a coding camp called “HER CODE CAMP”.

This is a free weekend event for senior high school students who identify as female, trans, or non-binary on Sat. Sept. 14th and Sun. Sept. 15th at Bahen.

We put on introduction to python courses and have women from industry and academia join us during our panels and presentations. Our mission is to hack our future by igniting the potential of under-represented communities in tech. For more info: www.hercodecamp.com.

We are looking for student volunteers for our morning shifts (8AM - 12:30PM) and afternoon shifts (1PM-6PM).

What’s in it for you? Free food, a sense of community, the joy that comes from helping others, and free food.

Please fill out our form if you’re interested by Friday, Sept. 6th 2019: https://forms.gle/YczZZDRYcDsqP8Ew5.

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