[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department, Faculty of Arts & Science, or University of Toronto. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is as the sole discretion of the individual.]
Next week The Glenn Gould Foundation Foundation will be bringing Apple University’s Prof. Joshua Cohen (political philosophy, previously Stanford and MIT) to Toronto on Sept. 25 and 26 to give two presentations from his Best Things curriculum at A.U.:
Gould’s Variations and the Human Qualities that Foster Remarkable Creativity - Sept. 25, 6:30 p.m. Al Green Theatre/Miles Nidal JCC
Central Park - A Design for Democracy - Sept. 26, 6:30 p.m. Isabel Bader Theatre
Cohen is an inspiring speaker who brings the moral / philosophical implications of technology in the arts to life. This is a rare opportunity to experience these presentations, prepared exclusively for Apple’s senior personnel, and rarely heard outside the company.
For details, and to purchase tickets, anybody interested can go to: www.glenngould.ca
(we’ve made it very affordable, and student discounts are available).
Brian M. Levine
Executive Director
The Glenn Gould Foundation
69 Yonge Street, Suite 1401
Toronto, Ontario
M5E 1K3 Canada
@GlennGouldFndn on Twitter
T: 416 962 6297
E: brianlevine@glenngould.ca