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Faculty of Information - Double Blue Admissions Information Session - January 16

[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is at the sole discretion of the individual.]

Information is everywhere; experts are few – hence, the Masters of Information degree is highly valued by today’s employers. University of Toronto Students interested in the Master of Information program and have a 3.75 average or above, are invited to an exclusive “Double Blue” Information event on January 16th starting at 11:45am EST to be eligible to ‘fast track’ the admissions review process.

iSchool Information programs examine the interactions between people, information, and digital technologies to answer the pressing information questions of our time. We educate professionals who will ensure information’s continuity, usability, reliability, and accessibility, now and into the future. The degree has a co-op option–plus internships, networking, and job shadowing opportunities to connect students to employers.

Our graduates find work at financial institutions, human rights organizations, consulting firms, government, law firms, and technology companies.

Register now: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/faculty-of-information-info-day-mi-mmst-tickets-121610866375


  • University of Toronto student or alumni
  • Minimum A- (3.75) average
  • Submit an online application by January 31, 2021
  • Submit CV/Resume and 2 references by January 31, 2021
  • Complete the interest form by January 31, 2021

Notes: Double Blue applicants are not required to submit a personal statement.
A brief interview will be scheduled after the initial review


  • Two-week application review
  • $500 Double Blue Award
  • Considered for all other admissions awards and grants by the faculty
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