[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is as the sole discretion of the individual.]
Register now for ELL’s “Language and Place: Mapping Multilingual Journeys”
Reading Week: February 18, 19, 20, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Innis College Residence Events Room, 111 St. George Street
In this three-day FREE course, you will learn how to:
- Identify the advantages you have in knowing more than one language
- Explore your own unique relationship to the languages you know
- Create a cool digital map artifact related to your multilingual journey
- Write more effectively, considering context, purpose and audience
- Channel your multilingual abilities into university learning and workplace practice
To register, send your name, college, and year of studies to: ell.newcollege@utoronto.ca
CCR validation upon completion.