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Double Blue: January Information Day *For UofT students interested in MI

Information is everywhere; experts are few – hence, the Masters of Information degree is highly valued by today’s employers. If you are a University of Toronto Student interested in the Master of Information program and have a GPA of A- or above, you are invited to an exclusive “Double Blue” Information event on Saturday, January 12th to be eligible to ‘fast track’ the admissions review process.

iSchool Information programs examine the interactions between people, information and digital technologies to answer the pressing information questions of our time. We educate professionals who will ensure information’s continuity, usability, reliability, and accessibility, now and into the future. The degree has a co-op option–plus internships, networking and job shadowing opportunities to connect students to employers.

Our graduates find work at financial institutions, human rights organizations, consulting firms, government, law firms, and technology companies.

The registration link for the event is now live at:

Sound exciting? Then please save the date for the UofT iSchool Information Day, Saturday, January 12th, 2019 taking place at 140 St. George Street. During this information event you will learn about admission requirements, co-op / practicum, and have the chance to speak with current students and faculty members. Please visit https://ischool.utoronto.ca/ for more information. We will be sending out a follow up email closer to the date to confirm registration. If you have any questions in the interim our staff and faculty can be contacted through https://ischool.utoronto.ca/faculty-staff/staff-profiles/. Looking forward to seeing you at the information fair!

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