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"Disrupt" Climate Data Challenge - May 11/12, Toronto

This event is not affiliated with the Department, Faculty of Arts & Science or University of Toronto. Registration fees may apply. We share this event at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is as the sole discretion of the individual.

The Ontario Climate Consortium is hosting the 2017 Ontario Climate Symposium, which will be taking place at York University on May 11th and 12th. The theme for this year’s symposium is “Just Transformations: The Next 150”. At this event, we hope to encourage the development of positive narratives and visions of a just future - ones that cross boundaries between natural science, social science, law, humanities and the arts.

Alongside the symposium, OCC is also hosting its first-ever Disrupt Climate Data Challenge. We are looking for teams of students to code, solve and challenge the status quo for a real-world climate data problem: how to display or simplify uncertainty within climate data portals. Students will have the opportunities to work with mentors to craft their solution, and present their ideas to distinguished judges in the industry.

Benefits for student participants include:

· The opportunity to win a $5,000 prize;

· Networking opportunities with industry leaders, mentors, potential employers and other students; and,

· The opportunity for the winning team’s solution to be used and credited in real-world applications by the Government of Ontario.

Registration for the Disrupt Climate Data Challenge is free! If participants would also like to attend presentations, sessions and the poster competition taking place at the Ontario Climate Symposium, you can find Early-Bird Registration rates here.

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