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CSC494/495Y1Y: FASE + CSC opportunity (Deadline: Monday, Aug. 17, 2020)

The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering is looking for motivated 4th year computer science students to work with fourth-year engineering students on the year-long Multidisciplinary Capstone Design Projects. Please see the Project descriptions and Student matching list.

Each student group will consist of 1-2 CS students and 2-3 engineering students, and work under the supervision of an engineering faculty member. This is a great opportunity to work in-depth on a project with a dedicated team.

Please note that we are looking for a full-year commitment; you will earn 1.0 FCEs upon successful completion of the project in April.

Instructions to Apply:

Send a brief statement of interest, resume, and unofficial transcript along with 3 preferred projects in the order of the preference to: mcp@mie.utoronto.ca Your application is required to be approved by CS Department Capstone Coordinator.

Application deadline: Monday, August 17, 2020

The acceptance is based on first come and first serve. Please do not hesitate to contact Engineering MCP Office for project-specific questions, or Prof. David Liu for any logistics questions.

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