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Volunteer opportunity for French (or bilingual) students

[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department, Faculty of Arts & Science, or University of Toronto. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is as the sole discretion of the individual.]

On February 2nd, UofT is hosting “Night of Ideas 2019,” in partnership with the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in Canada and Hart House.

Les organisateurs de l’événement sont à la recherche de bénévoles bilingues (français/anglais). Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez compléter le formulaire de candidature suivant: https://bit.ly/2QOKzZM.

  [General boards] [Winter 2023 courses] [Fall 2022 courses] [Summer 2022 courses] [Older or newer terms]