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Latest Hackathons - February 2021

[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department, Faculty of Arts & Science, or the University of Toronto. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is at the sole discretion of the individual.]

Hackathons are a great way to learn new skills and gain experience by building real-life solutions. As a bonus, there are cash prizes, internships, and other opportunities up for grabs.

Below are the latest Hackathons:

Hedera21 - Hello Tokenization Hackathon

ABOUT: Create an application or developer tool that uses the Hedera Token Service (HTS) and promotes active Hedera account creation and tokenization of digital or physical assets.
PRIZES: $47,000 in prizes
DEADLINE: Feb 12 11:45PM PST
JOIN THE HACKATHON: http://bit.ly/Hedera21u

Tchibo Consumer Experience Hackathon

ABOUT: Tchibo stands for inspiration, emotional and personal interaction and is constantly looking for new digital solutions that will innovate Tchibo. Build applications in one of the following challenge categories: consumer touchpoints, add-on services, and think big.
PRIZES: €6,000 in prizes
JOIN THE HACKATHON: https://tchibo-hackathon.devpost.com/

Expert.ai Natural Language & Text Analytics API Hackathon
ABOUT: The expert.ai Natural Language API is a cloud-based software service that provides a comprehensive set of natural language understanding capabilities based on expert.ai technology.Test your development skills and build (or update) a functioning application that uses an expert.ai API.
PRIZES:$10,000 in prizes
JOIN THE HACKATHON: expertai-nlapi-012021.devpost.com

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