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Digital Humanities: 300-level courses to round out your winter

Woodsworth College launched its Digital Humanities minor this year and there are still seats available in a few 300-level courses, that might be of interest to CS students.

WDW335H1S: From Book to Map to Video GameBeowulf Course Poster2.pdf (147.6 KB).

MST300H1S: Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages — Fantastic stories and legends about Alexander the Great circulated throughout the medieval world, from Iceland to Iran and from Ethiopia to England. In this course, we explore what different representations of the same figure can tell us about the range of medieval cultures. Through the use of digital tools, students and the instructor work together to explore this rich material. We trace the transmission of Alexander’s legend using digital maps. We compare different versions of the same story using text analysis tools. And we curate a small selection of the lavishly-illustrated manuscripts of the Alexander Romance in a digital exhibition. For more details, contact cillian.ohogan@utoronto.ca.

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