[This opportunity is not affiliated with the Department, Faculty of Arts & Science, or the University of Toronto. Registration fees may apply. We share this opportunity at the request of the organizers in case it is of interest to our student body. Participation is at the sole discretion of the individual.]
The uCalgary Computer Science Undergrad Society (CSUS) is excited to announce that CalgaryHacks 2021 will take place the weekend of Feb 13-14. CalgaryHacks is a 24 hour long, competitive programming contest where teams of up to five collaborate and build leadership skills while using the latest technologies to build innovative projects. This will be the largest CalgaryHacks to date with a total of $15,000 in cash prizes with the first place earning $5000. We have created a prizing track specifically for first year undergrads with a first place prize of $1000! Our hackathon is a great learning opportunity and as such we invite students of all skill levels to hack and have fun.
We welcome as many undergraduate and graduate students to participate as possible! Participation is entirely free and we have bonuses in place to ensure all participants are rewarded for their time.
Register: calgary-hacks-2021.devpost.com/
Website: calgaryhacks.ca/
For more information regarding the event, please visit calgaryhacks.ca.